Thursday, 21 June 2012

Rachel Zoe Passion... and Healthy Hair Nutrition

I love Rachel Zoe so much it makes my heart ache. Serious life-envy happening here...

She's gorgeous, works hard, has a lil baby boy and is the Number 1 stylist to the stars. She's launched her own clothing & accessories line and can do NO WRONG by me. Perfecting the boho-chic look and iconic with those blonde waves...she's so striking! Give me 10 minutes and her wardrobe would have NOTHING left in it. 

I hope that room has a door that locks, just sayin' 

To get a little bit closer to her I watch The Rachel Zoe Project ( Season 4 is on Vuzu on Wednesday nights at 20h30 ) and her website is pretty awesome too ... Find The Zoe Report here for pretty pretty things! 

I saw a fab article on her site ( which also covers beauty & health topics ) about how to eat right for luscious locks! So if you want good hair this is what you should be eating! I'll try anything once! 


FOMO? Then read on...

1. Lean Red Meat - and other iron rich foods like egg yolks, dried fruit, whole grains and beans. People who experience hair loss are usually iron-deficient! 

2. Eggs - peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, salmon, low fat cheese and avo's are high in Biotin which promotes hair growth! 

3.  Bananas, Oats, Beer and Raisins! These all contain silica which can improve the hair's thickness! 

4. Spinach & broccoli are full of vitamins A & C which help to produce sebum which acts as a natural hair conditioner 

5. Oysters are rich in zinc and zinc regulates the production of androgens. Low androgen levels are associated with hair loss

6. Sweet potatoes and other beta-carotene packed veggies like carrots, butternut, asparagus and pumpkin.  Your body converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A which nourishes the skin and hair. 

7. Fruit and Veggies are full of vitamin C which helps your body absorb iron! Broccoli, leafy greens, green peppers, citrus fruit and strawberries are the best sources! 

8.  Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids like salmon, sardines, herrings, flaxseeds and walnuts lead to a healthy scalp! 

9. A teaspoon of Vegetable Oil like olive, peanut or sunflower can restore shine! 

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